Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Free Recipe Binder Download

In yesterday's post I shared our new family recipe binder and today I thought I'd share a free printable so you can make one of your own!

Recipe binders tend to not be universal. So for the contents page I left it blank so you can fill in what fits your family. Here is what's available for this download:

The contents page isn't really necessary, I just thought it was a cute addition ;). I am still going hard on typing all of our favorite recipes. It'd be easy to quit and just print them all out but I like how they look typed. You of course can do it however it tickles your fancy.

If you are interested in downloading this file, please click here!
*Update: The preview looks a little wonky but I tested how it looks once download is clicked and it is normal!
 Note: The file will download as a Word document allowing you to edit the font. If you share this via your blog, please link back! Giving credit is nice, stealing is not.

I will be back to share our dining room progress and how far away (or close too) our inspiration board we are!

Thanks for visiting! If you use these printables please share a link (if you blog) or email them to me! I'd love to see :).


Linking Up: 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Recipe Binder

I have wanted one of these for my home for years. I remember when my hubby and I first moved in together, I had attempted to make one and then quit. Six years later and I finally knocked it out! I am so excited to have a go to binder for our recipes. I usually use my phone (I mainly get and use recipes off of Pinterest), but it goes to sleep too quickly and sometimes it kicks me out of the link of the pin!

The awesome part about this project is, everything I used was already on hand! I used this binder during my Statistics class (our "book" was a binder type) and I got it from Target. Win win for cuteness and reusing! Also, I tried my hand at couponing a few years back and that failed. The page dividers are from that binder as well.

I designed all of the pages in Microsoft Word. I am working towards offering free printables so you can make one of your own! I should have that later this week. I mainly cook for dinner. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old so more time than not sandwiches (as in peanut butter & jelly) are for lunch. Since that is where our needs are for the binder currently, I gave the dinner section specific tabs that run down the right side. My tabs on top are as followed:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Grill
  • Beverages
  • Desserts
  • Sides/Party
My pre-sections for dinner are:
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Italian
  • Pork
  • Crockpot
  • Sandwiches (I had to call them sammies for the binder so it'd fit!)
  • Meat Free
I purchased a Dymo label maker off of a local Facebook yard sale group a while back so I was so excited to put it to use! The top tabs will probably be replaced eventually. I had to cut them off of my old dividers and glue them on top of each section. This project was done with a goal of no spending! Eventually, I want to add new dividers and plastic sleeves. I already had to reprint one of the recipes because as I was making it, I opened a pop that was in the freezer too long and it sprayed all over it! Bummer. 

I might be considered crazy for this next part that I share. I've already started questioning my sanity but I must press on! I am in the process of typing all of our tried and true recipes. I know #aintnobodygottimeforthat. However, as I mentioned I mainly find my recipes off of Pinterest. I have a board title Pins I've Made and if I like a recipe, it goes into that board. If I don't I delete it entirely. So I am not printing recipes twice. I'm just typing them once and in the binder it goes. I know a lot of people just print the recipe and place it into their collection and that's fine. I just like things to look a little more, together. Each section has it's own color as well and they all look like the one below. If it's a short enough recipe, I include a "notes" section. This is where I add if I need to increase or reduce an ingredient, or what I served it with.

So that's my binder! It is super bare right now, I finished it yesterday. I just can't wait to have it full up with our most loved recipes. I've already used it and it's so much nicer than relying on my phone!

Oh and if you're into Sloppy Joes, this recipe from Pioneer Woman is amazing! I'll be back later this week with another project we finally finished and an update of our dining room. :)
